Joukkue ottelu

Team Kyorugi refers to the event where three to five participants with equal weight division or from an integrated weight division compete with each other. 

Competition method: Tournament 

Competition time: 2 minutes, 3-5 rounds (1 group, 1 round) 

Protective gears: Protective gears must be those approved by the Kukkiwon (electronic protectors are not allowed). 

1. All participants are advised to use personal protective gears, such as the protective cup, chest protection(F), head protection, arms and legs protection, hands and feet protection, and mouth pieces(except chest protection), as required. 

2. Participants are to use tools that are fully registered and authorized by the Kukkiwon. 

Number of players: Three to five people 

1. It may be varied depending on the situation of the event. Any changes shall be posted in the Hanmadang outline. 

2. Group competitions may be conducted in gender-divided teams or coed teams, and shall be specified in the Hanmadang outline. 

3. It is allowed to have one substitute player per weight division. 

4. It is allowed to have one substitute player per integrated weight division. 

Classifications by age and weight 

1. Age groups are classified into groups under or of 12, 18, and of or above 19 of each gender. - 27 - 

2. See below for the weight details 

A. Weight Division Male Female Under or of age 12 13–18 Of or above 19 Under or of age 12 13–18 Of or above 19 -37kg -51kg -54kg -33kg -44kg -47kg -45kg -59kg -63kg -41kg -49kg -54kg -53kg -68kg -72kg -47kg -55kg -61kg -61kg -78kg -82kg -55kg -63kg -68kg +61kg +78kg +82kg +55kg +63kg +68kg 

※ It is calculated based on kilogram, including two decimal places. For example, -38kg refers to weight up to 38.00kg, including 38.009kg. Weight of or above 38.01kg is considered as excess and shall be disqualified. Similarly, the +56kg refers to the contestant who weighs 56.01kg or more, but not for those who weigh 56.00kg. Additionally, the kg standards for the weight division of male and female players of each age range may differ depending on the characteristics of the Hanmadang event. 

B. Integrated Weight Division Male Female Under or of age 12 13–18 Of or above 19 Under or of age 12 13–18 Of or above 19 +45kg to -61kg +59kg to -78kg +63kg to -82kg +41kg to -55kg +49kg to -63kg +54kg to -68kg 

Match drawing 

A match draw shall be conducted electronically and randomly through a computer program. 


1. Weigh-in is conducted at the date specified by Organizing Committee. 

2. Males should wear underpants, and females should wear a T-shirt and Dobok pants and then weigh in. A total of 400g(cloth weight) may be deducted from the total weight. It is possible to weigh in without clothing, depending on the contestant’s choice. 

3. Weigh-in is done only once. However, if the contestant fails to achieve the target weight, he/she may weigh in again for one time while the weigh-in is ongoing. - 28 - 

4. Contestants must bring their Dan certificate to confirm their registration. If not possible, they are required to present an ID(student card, ID card, driver’s license, or passport). The contestant may be disqualified if he/she fails to do so. 

Competition procedure 

1. The chief referee commands players from both teams to position themselves at the center of the Contest Area and remind them of the precautions regarding the competition. players bow to each other before the first begins his/her presentation. 

2. In the case of matches for each weight division, matches will be held starting with lightweight and move up to heavyweight. 

3. In combined weight matches, matches will be held according to the list of participating players submitted by coaches and directors. 

4. The competition begins with the calls of “Jun-bi(ready),” and “Si-jak(begin)” of the chief referee. In case the Competition time is not being checked because of a mechanical malfunction or for any other reason, all records with regard to the contest, including scores and declaration of prohibited act, declaration are regarded as invalid, even after the chief referee calls “Si-jak(begin).” However, in case the failure of the time check failure is attributed to the recorder’s mishandling of the device, the score or declaration of prohibited acts during the unchecked time may be corrected through the confirmation of the assistant referee(s). 

5. Each round is over when the chief referee calls “Geu-man(halt).” Even though the referee fails to call “Geu-man(halt),” the round ends when the alloted time is over. 

6. Each round shall come to a stop when the chief referee calls “Gal-yeo(break).” It shall only resume upon the call of “Gye-sok(continue).” The recorder shall stop checking the time upon the call of “Break(Gal-yeo)” and shall only resume upon the call of “Gye-sok(continue).” 

7. When the round of the last contestant is over, the chief referee shall command them to position themselves at the center of the Contest Area and declare the winner based on the referee' decision. 

8. Players who are not currently attending the round shall wait at a designated place outside of the competition area. 

Permitted techniques and areas 

1. Permitted techniques A. Fist technique : Making an attack using the front side of a clenched fist B. Foot technique : Making an attack using the part below the ankle bone - 29 - 

2. Permitted areas A. Trunk : Attacks using the fist and foot technique are allowed on the part protected by a chest protector, excluding the spine B. Head: Attacks on the entire head wherein only foot techniques are permitted 

Valid points 

1. Trunk : The blue or red colored area on the chest protector(except the back) 

2. Head : From the lower end line of the head protector to the entire head 


1. Accuracy points A. Trunk : Points for accurate attack on a legal scoring area with permitted technique in a certain intensity B. Head : Points for accurate attack on a legal scoring area with permitted technique 

2. The area from the lower end line of the head protector to the part of the neck above the collarbone is not worth points, but if a contestant becomes unable to continue the match (to a count of 10 by the chief referee) due to a blow from the opponent, the chief referee shall declare a Referee Stopped Contest(RSC). 

Scoring Criteria 

1. The scores are categorized as follows. A. 1.0 point : Linear fist attack to the trunk B. 2.0 point : Kick to the trunk C. 3.0 point : Spinning kick to the trunk D. 4.0 point : Kick to the head E. 5.0 point : Spinning kick to the head F. Additional Points : 1 point earned from 1 instance of deduction from the opponent 

2. All points in from the first round to the third - fifth round will be added up. 

3. Even if the assistant referees do not do not publish the score for a proper attack made using fists or feet, if a contestant falls into a dangerous state and the chief referee starts the countdown, the assistant referees must publish the score while the chief referee counts to 3. 

4. Invalid Scores : The chief referee shall declare the penalty with invalidation of point(s) if the contestant earned point(s) by foul or in an unfair manner. If the attacker had a foul attack without scoring, the referee may declare it as foul, but it does not affect scoring. 

5. Agreements and Correction of Scoring and Penalty: When objection arises to scoring and penalties, the chief referee may stop the competition by commanding “Time”. The chief referee will ask for opinions from the assistant referee and - 30 - may make changes to the scoring and penalty. If the assistant referee is not in agreement with the chief referee’s knockdown judgment, assistant referee may object before the chief referee counts to four(Net). 

Scoring and publication 

1. Valid points shall be immediately recorded and publicized. 

2. Valid points shall be recorded by assistant referee(s) by using an electronic scoring instrument or a scoring sheet. Points approved by three referees or more in the five-refereeing officials system, two referees or more in four-refereeing officials system, and two referees or more in three-refereeing officials system shall be regarded valid. 

⑭ Prohibited acts and penalties 

1. Penalties for prohibited acts are given by the chief referee. 

2. One deduction means one additional point for the opponent. 

3. Prohibited acts 

A. The following acts shall be classified as prohibited acts, and warning (“Gyong-go)” shall be declared when any prohibited acts are conducted. 

1) Stepping out of the boundary line 

2) Falling action 

3) Avoiding or delaying the competition 

4) Grabbing, holding or pushing the opponent 

5) Lifting the knees in order to block valid attacks or hinder the opponent’s attacks, or lifting a leg intended to interfere the opponent's attack without any attacking movement. 

6) Attacking the opponent below the waist 

7) Continuing attack even after the chief referee has commanded “Galyeo” 

8) Attacking opponents with the knee or forehead 

9) Attacking the opponent’s head with hands 

10) Attacking an opponent who fell on the ground 

11) Displaying undesirable behavior to the coaches or other players 

B. The referee can give a yellow card to request disciplinary action and declare losing by foul when a player or coach commits excessive prohibited acts and does not follow the instruction of the referee. In this case, the Organization Committee shall investigate the player or coach’s prohibited behavior and decide whether a disciplinary action is appropriate. 

C. If the player intentionally and repeatedly breaks the rules or fails to follow the instructions of the referee, the chief referee can stop the match and declare losing by foul. - 31 - 

D. When the opponent is injured by prohibited acts and unable to continue the competition, the attacker shall be given 10-15 points deduction(10 points in case of three people, 15 points in case of five people). 

E. Deduction by prohibited acts shall be added up for the three to five rounds(three rounds in case of three people, five rounds in case of five people). 

Replacing Players 

1. It is possible to replace players when a player is unable to continue the competition by injury or other reason. The replaced player shall be in the same weight division with the injured one. For the integrated weight division, it is possible to replace with a substitute player. 

2. It is not possible to replace a player during the competition. 

3. When a player needs to be replaced, the contestant shall submit a statement for replacement to the Competition Committee. 

4. If a participant cannot participate because a team is not able to replace a player for failing to register a substitute player or for other reasons, thus, resulting in not being able to continue the competition, the referee shall renounce the competition and give a score of 10–15 points to the opposing team(10 points in case of three people, 15 points in case of five people). 


1. The team who has earned the highest points from the first to third~fifth rounds is declared as the winner. 

2. Even during the competition, whoever scores 30–50 points first wins the competition(30 points in case of three people, 50 points in case of five people). 

3. If the final score is tied, each team selects a player for the overtime competition and the winner will be the team who scored three points ahead. 

4. When both players fail to obtain 3 points within the given time, the team that obtain more points shall be declared as the winner. 

5. If there is a tie after overtime competition, referee shall decide decision win. 

6. A decision is made based on the superiority record of assistant referees and the chief referee declare the winner. 

7. The chief referee shall decide the winner if the superiority decision is tied among assistant referees. 

8. When a contestant is defeated by the chief referee's decision(KO, RSC), the referee shall give 10–15 points to the opponent team(10 points in case of three people, 15 points in case of five people). - 32 - 

9. Immediate Closing Criteria(in case of KO, RSC) 

A. If a player has been down by the scoring technique and unable to resume the competition after the referee counts to “Yeodeol”, or when the chief referee decided that the player is unable to continue the match regardless of counting. 

B. When a player can not resume the competition after a 1 minute medical break 

C. When a player fails to follow the three-time “Il-eo-seo(stand-up)” command of chief referee to continue the competition 

D. When chief referee decides to stop the competition for the player's safety 

E. When there is a medical advice from the commission doctor or medical staff to stop the competition due to a player’s injury 

10. For a player who has been disqualified at the official weigh-in or for other reasons arise to miss the match, the referee can give 10~15 points to the opposing team(10 points in case of three people, 15 points in case of five people). 

11. A team with 15–20 accumulated deduction points by prohibited acts shall lose by penalties(15 points in case of three people, 20 points in case of five people). 

Decision-Win Criteria 

If there is a tie after overtime competition, the chief referee shall declare the winner based on superiority decision of assistant referees. 

1. Control of the game 

2. Number of performed techniques 

3. Sport manner 

Results and Decision Types 

1. Win by final score : The team who earned the highest score combined from round 1 to the final round will win 

2. Win by withdrawal : It is a winning by the opposing player who gives up the competition, and the result is declared in the following cases 

A. When a contestant does not resume the competition after the rest period or fails to respond to the call to begin the competition 

B. When the coach determines that there is no need to proceed the match due to the player’s inferiority, and throws a towel into the court to signify forfeiture of the competition 

3. When two among three players in the weight division, or three among five players in the weight division missed the competition. 

4. Win by superiority decision: If no one score any points in the extra round, the superiority decision shall be made based on the decision criteria. 

5. Win by penalty : It is given by the referees as following acts - 33 - 

A. When the opposing accumulated 15-20 penalty points by deduction(“Gam-jeom”) (15 points in case of three people, 20 points in case of five people). 

B. When the opposing accumulated 3 penalty points by deduction(“Gam-jeom”) result from prohibited acts during the re-competition 

C. When the opposing player or coach do not follow the competition rules or the chief referee’s commands, or commits prohibited acts including improper protest 

D. Win by penalty is the final decision and the competition shall end regardless of the remaining rounds. 


1. Overtime shall be given if the 5 th round ends with a tie. The team shall play one extra round for 2 minutes. 

2. The overtime round does not count previous scores or penalties. 

3. In the weight division competition, the team can select one player from the 3 weight divisions, excluding the lightest and heaviest weight divisions, for the overtime competition. 

4. For the integrated weight division competition, the director or coach selects one participant. 

5. The coach shall submit the name of the player to the chief referee. 

6. The substitute player cannot play the overtime competition. 

Critical situation 

1. When any part of the body other than the sole of the foot touches the floor due to the force of the opponent’s scoring technique 

2. When a contestant staggers and shows no intention or ability to continue as a result of the opponent’s scoring technique 

3. When the chief referee decides that the competition cannot continue as a result of being struck by a legitimate scoring technique 

Procedure in the event of a critical situation

When a contestant is in critical situation as a result of the opponent’s legitimate attack, the chief referee shall take the following measures. 

1. The referee shall keep the attacker away from a fallen contestant by the declaration of “Galyeo(break).” 

2. The chief referee shall count aloud from “Hana(one)” to “Yeol(ten)” at one-second intervals toward the fallen contestant, making hand signals indicating the passage of time. 

3. In case the fallen contestant stands up during the chief referee’s count and desires to continue the fight, the referee shall continue the count up to “Yeodeol(eight)” for the recovery of the contestant to recover. The referee - 34 - shall then determine if the contestant has recovered and, if so, continue the competition by declaring “Gye-sok(Continue).” 

4. When a contestant who has been knocked down cannot demonstrate the intention to resume the competition until the count of “Yeodeol(eight)” the chief referee shall announce the other contestant as a winner. 

5. The count shall be continued even after the end of the round or the expiration of the Competition time. 

6. In case both contestants are knocked down, the referee shall continue counting as long as one of the contestants has been in a critical situation. 

7. In case both contestants are knocked down and both contestants fail to recover by the count of “Yeol(ten),” the referee shall end the round and continue the next round. The winner shall be decided by the competition score before the occurrence of the knock down if the contestant is the final round player. 

8. When it is judged by the chief referee that a contestant is unable to continue, the referee may decide on the winner either without counting or during the counting. 

Procedure of Suspending the Competition 

When the match is discontinued because a player has been injured, the following acts shall be carried out by the chief referee. 

1. The referee can command “Gyeshi(suspend)” and command to give medical treatment to the player. 

2. The medical break can last for 1 minute. 

3. When the player is not back in the competition after the given time above, the referee shall take the following measures 

A. The referee shall declare 10-15 point deduction to the opposing player if the player injured by a penalty act(10 points in case of three people, 15 points in case of five people). 

B. Give 10-15 points to the opposing team when the injury was caused by an effective attack(10 points in case of three people, 15 points in case of five people). 


1. For objecting to a referee’s judgment, a director or coach can claim an arbitration to the Arbitration Committee within 10 minutes after the contest/competition. The procedure shall be progressed pursuant to Article 27 of the Hanmadang Contest/Competition Rules. 

2. A video analysis can be provided depending on the situation on the event day and specified in the Hanmadang outline. ※ Matters not described in this Regulations are dealt with by the agreement of the referees or the decision of the Organizing Committee